Amore Synthetic Color Ring
Choose a color ring to make sure you get the best color the first time. These color rings ship out quickly and takes the guess work out of selecting colors.
Return Color Ring for Credit Toward Purchase: Return the Color Ring and receive a "Credit" good toward the one time purchase of any wig, hair piece or extension we offer. For more information, please see the terms and conditions listed here.
Colors Include:
Almond Rocka-R, Auburn Sugar-R, Butterscotch, Black Onyx, Bronzed Brown, Butter Pecan-R, Burgundy-Rosa, Burgundy, Cappucino, Caramel Cream, Chestnut, Chocolate Swirl, Coffee Latte-R, Copper Glaze-R, Creamy Blonde, Creamy Toffee-R, Dark Chocolate, Dark Rust, Expresso, Frosti Blonde, Ginger Brown, Ginger-H, Gold Blond, Harvest Gold, Honey Wheat-R, Iced Mocha-R, Light Chocolate, Maple Sugar-R, Marble Brown, Medium Brown, Midnite Pearl, Mochaccino-R, Pecan Brown, Razberry Ice-R, Red Pepper, Sandy Silver, Silver Stone, Spring Honey, Strawberry Swirl, Sugar Cane-R, Sunny Blonde, Toasted Brown, Vanilla Lush, 92, Almond Spice, Champagne, Mocha-H, Nutmeg, Nutmeg-F, Nutmeg-H, Raisin Glaze, Raisin Glaze-H, Sandalwood-H, Terracotta-H